Eleni, 25, didn't know the friend who wrote inviting her to work as a waitress was now a prostitute. Once at the Bosnian restaurant her new owner told her she had been bought for 900 DEM and had to repay him by having sex with his customers. When she refused she was beaten until she couldn't walk for days but was still forced to have sex.
She said: "My owner told me 'You are lying down anyway so you can still work for me.'" After two months she was sold on to a man who held a pistol to her head when she threatened to go to police. Eleni was moved to a remote house after corrupt police tipped off her owner that Interpol was looking for her. He raped her several times then passed her to a third owner as she had become "too dangerous." She said: "I was a slave. I was no more than a piece of meat." She fled one night and made it to police. Amna Saric, who is now protecting the girls, said: "These are just two of thousands being lured and tricked into prostitution."
Special Thanks to: Ex Oriente Lux
Website: http://ex-oriente-lux.org/acc_bosnia_01.html
Original Source: Jeff Edwards. "The Sex Factory." The Mirror (19 May 2002).
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